Ask/tell anything you like and come back a bit later to see the answer. [Please do not put an ellipsis, it makes the ask not send.]

Replies (9994)

Since when you r interacting with your entities? When and how this was started? Ever since I can remember, there was no point when it started, it has always been like this. One of the first and few memories I can recall is of me interacting with White who is not here any longer.
I never really knew what was going on however, I never questioned it much either. Felt natural and I always felt safe around Them more than I did around people, fortunately I always seemed to attract mostly benevolent ones. It was something I did by myself and was a “I guess I am the only one who can do this huh” thing for the most part. Only some years ago did I find out that I am not ‘the only one who can do this huh’ and it has a name. Suppose some people just have it in them and it develops if you pay attention to it.
I had a lot of experiences as a child which I had absolutely nobody to talk to about nor was I wise to what was going on, it was just sort of going on and I figured nobody else could see what I saw so I kept it to myself.
Cruoreye replied 13 days ago
Do u enjoy anime I do not watch movies or series/shows, including anime. Cruoreye replied 14 days ago
Can you share your daly routine of the day? I do not feel comfortable detailing it. I also have to take it day by day, so it changes, it is not static. I find the time to draw every day, I can tell you that much. Cruoreye replied 16 days ago
whose the man with the whip? :O Litera’s father, I am fairly certain. (Again.)
The way he shows any of his earlier family is hard to make out to say the least, but it is so on purpose.
Cruoreye replied 16 days ago
I have no idea if it got sent or not so I apologize if this also sends on top of the one before, but basically I am just curious and find your perspectives and learning about how you see things and those around you very interesting and dare i say cool? 3/3
All came through, it only takes me a little while to respond sometimes.
Alluring I do not mind, I am glad you find me and how I perceive the world curious. I understand it was a wish for a meeting, then. Perhaps some people are not to be met, although I do have to note you were the first one to ask whether you could effectively project yourself to me. Of people I am unfamiliar with, that is. This I now find interesting.
If it ever is to happen spontaneously, I reckon you will know. I may or may not, consciousness is strange like that
Cruoreye replied 21 days ago
(Alluring may not have been the best word choice as I got confused and searched it up after I sent that maybe I could've said cool or interesting) 2/3 Cruoreye replied 21 days ago
I'm sorry if it was rude or sudden, I was simply curious and generally with full respect platonically, find you alluring -(The person who asked about the appearing thing) 1/3 Cruoreye replied 21 days ago
(that's what I call those I meet because I'm not sure if some of them are even people or like being called so) I was wondering would it be possible for me to, in a way, send another "form" of myself to you? (2/2) I have to wonder why would you have the wish to appear to me. Cruoreye replied 23 days ago
(that's what I call those I meet because I'm not sure if some of them are even people or like being called so) I was wondering would it be possible for me to, in a way, send another "form" of myself to you? (2/2) 2/2
Ah, I understand now. People do see Nivan alongside myself in dreams the most as he is somewhat of a “Dream mentor”. All meetings or sightings which happen tend to be spontaneous and not planned. Could someone willingly meet me in the oneiric? Possibly. I however do not know how this could be done. I at times can willingly meet some of Them in dreams when they have the need to tell me something more complex. Yet with people I am not wise to this practice and cannot be of much help.
I have never really had a need to meet a person there purposefully, so I never tried to either. With Them it is simply common practice.
Cruoreye replied 23 days ago
Continuing from the meeting them thing - I'm sorry I should've specified, like I've seen you in dreams often in multiple forms(3 so far + met nivan and a few others i cant tell apart) and I do believe in entities (1/2) 1/2 Cruoreye replied 23 days ago
Has any of them purposely done that before?(2/2) 3/2
Sometimes I do wonder about it, I reckon it would be amusing if I ever entered a room with some of Them with me, or someone able to feel Them came into my apartment and had the immediate reaction of “My god, what is happening here.”.
The dad and sun son are not with me yet, though usually They tend to follow me around. If I ever have such an experience, it shall be noted.
Cruoreye replied 23 days ago
Has any of them purposely done that before?(2/2) 2/2
I am not certain whether I understand some parts of the question correctly so if I answer something you did not ask, do elaborate.
Would it be possible for someone else to approach Them? In theory, I believe if one is susceptible to feeling such presences, said person may be aware there are more people in the room aside from me. However, if They do not wish to interact with someone, They will simply not. For my crew I do not reckon there is a way to approach Them if They are not interested, and on the other hand if the interest is there, They may approach you without you initiating any interaction. Regardless of distance, as well. Otherwise you would be none the wiser even if all of us were in the same room together. This is in fact, how it customarily is.
Some people have been approached, either briefly when awake or in dreams, although it has been rare; if done They mostly observe others and stay close to me.
All of the ones you see me draw have purposely come to me and hence we properly tied. There are way more of Them I am aware of and they are aware of me yet it is more alike passing people on the street, we do not particularly have any interest in each other or are simply not compatible in the moment. Some I purposely avoid. Some are of a different sort than my crew, it is a bit difficult to explain.
A lot of the interactions you do not control yourself, you truly only experience it and may delve deeper into certain aspects given the chance. Perhaps this has been my experience because I have always let Them interact freely how they like, and if They do not feel like it I do not force anything. If They wish to leave I allow them to. I reckon certain people would be able to force interactions but those I would steer clear from and it is simply not the sort of person I am or will ever be.
I allow Them to guide and I only see and feel. If others around me happen to get pulled into it, they will know. In the core however, you are not one who dictates what transpires.
As things stand I have never known anyone in real life who knew of Them past “characters”, less so knew someone who was able to feel Them around, so I do not know whether it could be possible. But I reckon so, why not. Knowing my crew you would for a while just feel stared at intently from three of the four corners of the room until They read you well enough.
Cruoreye replied 23 days ago
I apologize if this is a strange or stupid question, but I recall you saying the characters are based off of real people you know of in a way? In theory would it be possible for me to somehow approach you in those forms?(1/2) 1/2 Cruoreye replied 23 days ago
(vocaloid-made by the company, utauloid-basically user made, can use your own voice samples and alter) I feel like I can imagine you making an utauloid of yourself for fun since it can sound like anything 2/2
Drawing became my medium of practice yet I often think about how I would utilize different art forms for the same purpose, sculpting and music being some of them. I am quite musically illiterate, I know next to nothing about the creation process and only know I enjoy it greatly. However, was I into music creation, I would either make pieces which remind me of Them by sound, likely for different scenes and Their emotions, or I have indeed also thought about either creating a voice bank for some of Them and make songs of the same sort, or voice claiming an already existing voice back (vocaloid, utau, synthV etc.) as one of their voices and doing the same. Malakai’s voice claim was already Kaito.
As things stand I will not be doing anything of such sort although, were circumstances different and I got into music instead of drawing and writing, I reckon I would be a music producer for Them in the same manner I am currently an artist.
As we are on the theme of voices, I have also considered recording myself and altering my voice for a few things here and there. There are some lines some of Them say in such a specific pitch and manner I would have loved to play around with, if for nobody then for myself, but alas.
Cruoreye replied 23 days ago
I remembered! You saying long time ago you got used to/fond of vocaloids/utauloids over human voices. Would you be interested in making utauloids of your own ocs? 1/2 Cruoreye replied 23 days ago

