Replies (83)
Suhail still can't get over you?I hate youuu??
dawg how is it my fault if I haven't even spoken to the guy in over a year?? ? grow up maneee
Artifixialll replied
2171 days ago
what’s the youngest age and oldest age guy you would date
Youngest, probably 16 and the oldest uhm, probably 2 to 3 years older than me
Artifixialll replied
2268 days ago
Does Kyle even exist?
Why can't you accept the fact that I've moved on and I'm happy?
Artifixialll replied
2283 days ago
Have you ever been on a trip where everyone drank heaps on the bus ride, and when you arrived there were no bathrooms?
Stupid question - who does this ???
Artifixialll replied
2283 days ago
He can't even think about another girl?
Can't understand why, I'm a pretty lousy person ??
Artifixialll replied
2283 days ago
You effed up Suhails mind ?I like him but he only talks about you.
Yikes man? We haven't talked in ages, so I highly doubt that
Artifixialll replied
2283 days ago
You were my Geneva Ayala
Cool, it's funny because you tell my best friend the same thing???
Artifixialll replied
2284 days ago
you were an angel in the shape of my mom
They did surgery on a grape
Artifixialll replied
2287 days ago