Replies (43)

I went to the beach on Friday, and now I feel sick. What medicine should I take? A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR AND SOME OTHER WEIRD STUFF ChibiWolfie replied 3942 days ago
I feel constipated when I eat mangos. What are some things that can help me? bananas ChibiWolfie replied 4006 days ago
I can't sleep. Do you know anything to help me sleep? food. ChibiWolfie replied 4006 days ago
Haven you ever slept with a dog? yes and no.
My dog /is/ a cat.
ChibiWolfie replied 4006 days ago
I hate pineapples, but I love canned pineapples. What can I do to make it taste the same? pine the apple. ChibiWolfie replied 4006 days ago
My butt itches and I have pinkeye. Help me? You have problems.... ChibiWolfie replied 4006 days ago
My mom keeps telling at me for no reason at all. I finished all of my chores, came back on time for my curfew, and tried to cheer her up. What should I do? Well, tell at your mom back. That'll teach her not to tell at you! ChibiWolfie replied 4021 days ago
My neighbors keep partying all night. How do I shut them up? In a coffin. ChibiWolfie replied 4022 days ago
My dog ran away while I was walking him, and now I don't know what to do, what do I tell my parents? Do you think they'll get mad at me? Depends if a car ran over it or not. If a car ran it over, run to your parents and blame the car. No need to say it ran away.
If you say it just ran away, then you're screwed.
ChibiWolfie replied 4022 days ago
I think I'm being stalked. I was walking around my neighborhood and this guy keeps following me. He thinks I don't notice him and tries to hide in the bushes. What should I do? Punch him in the face with a lawn mower. ChibiWolfie replied 4022 days ago
My frind do you enjoyed sleepting? Why yes, dear brethren. ChibiWolfie replied 4022 days ago
What is down? My pants. ChibiWolfie replied 4022 days ago
Do you like me? .... No. ChibiWolfie replied 4022 days ago
Hay girlfrand does you loves wasabi? ....



............ YES.
ChibiWolfie replied 4022 days ago
Shut the front door! Is it getting cold? .... No. ChibiWolfie replied 4022 days ago

