Lee Spinner at your service-desu! *SNK SALUTE*

Replies (172)

What life lesson did you learn today ? Death is not as unnatural as people in urban communities, like me, think it is. But in spite of this, I shouldn't lose hope or let it take away from what I do and how I carry myself everyday. I hope to acknowledge death in a way that allows me to take my opportunities more seriously, and to have the mindset of doing whatever good we can with our lives while we have them. Etaile replied 3079 days ago
Why should people love you ? Because I already love u!!! Etaile replied 3193 days ago
LOL YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT MY "FRIENDS" HAVE ASKED ME, LOL fck, i probably didn't put it on anon on my last questions. whoops :V you have been warned buddy Sssenpai I scrolled down my feed and couldnt find like anyone who asked me stuff IT OKEI NO JUDGE ♡ Etaile replied 3195 days ago
hi!!!! HL my amigo ♡♡♡ Etaile replied to bunchofgrapes 3195 days ago
You adorable ball of fluff, what do you like most about today? <: I AM A- I AM A WHAT- ;W; I LIKE YOU TODAY!!! But also idk school was all nice =w= like firstly I had a free, so I got to do some art stuff and relax. I liked having maths and chinese too ;w; and I basically spent lunchtime convincing a whole group of year 10s to do IB LOL (I'm currently waiting now for year 10s to arrive at the subject selection thing so I can convince more youngsters to do IB *U*) Etaile replied 3195 days ago
omg your sempai found your qooh me. I won't let you have mine, its sooo bad ah SENPAI NOTICED ME BUT IT IS ABSOLUTE DISHONOUR NOT TO NOTICE SENPAI Senpai y u do dis I must notice u Etaile replied 3195 days ago
Are you bi? X Look I'm straight But like Have you ever seen girls?!?!?! ♥ (No I mean I'm straight- but girls-) Etaile replied 3195 days ago
Who is your boyfriend I am ze best boyfriend tbh ♡ Etaile replied 3195 days ago
What is the greatest thing about being single ? I'm not- but the good thing is in some ways you can focus on yourself and fast track in the directions that you personally want to develop in. So more of a do-what-suits-you thing? Etaile replied 3196 days ago
Which song do you think you repeated the most ? "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis //sweats Etaile replied 3211 days ago
Which movie sucked for you this year ? I don't really movies ._. so...idk XD Etaile replied 3215 days ago
What type of people bore you ? Born peasants who managed to work and make their way to Australia <3 ;w; Etaile replied 3215 days ago
When was the last time you cried and why ? Yesterday, like 4 times. Monty Oum. Rest in peace. I just remembered several times that I gained friends and had so many great moments because of RWBY over more than a year's time. Etaile replied 3362 days ago
What is your biggest success up until now? Getting a scholarship lol ; w ; Etaile replied 3376 days ago
YO I AM YOUR GRANDMA'S-SON'S-UNCLE'S-AUNT'S-DAUGHTER'S-MOM'S-COUSIN! OH IT'S YOU Wassup shizzlemadizzlesuzukihonda-san Etaile replied 3376 days ago

Lee Spinner

(Etaile) I like proper grammar.
Drawing fire 56%