Replies (3)

@anishoe šŸ˜ˆ has a secret šŸ¤« crush šŸ«¶ on you šŸ¤Ŗ Well this is good news, tell me more if you want? HalfwayDecent replied to poggergranny 651 days ago
I think your answers are amazing. Best I've ever seen or heard. Oh and thank you :) HalfwayDecent replied 717 days ago
Dealing with chronic health issues for over a decade, but struggling at the moment to feel hopeful that I could ever be be well. How do you hold on to hope? Q.
Dealing with chronic health issues for over a decade, but struggling at the moment to feel hopeful that I could ever be well. How do you hold on to hope?
Hey thanks for the question and Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your health issues. Obviously, I have no idea about the true extent of these (the complexities and nuances) but Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re impacting the quality of your life. Especially as theyā€™ve been going on for so long now, which I do understand just how much of a slog this can be.
Still, congratulations, sounds weird to say I know. But you have come a long way, Iā€™m sure youā€™ve had quite the journey, even learned a lot about yourself (and the world). Something Iā€™ve actually said before, as much as I know itā€™s not ideal, but while navigating health issues you are still living. Itā€™s like an unwanted adventure but an adventure nonetheless.
Okay, now hope. So, again Iā€™m not certain of your exact circumstance, what I am wondering though is if youā€™re (to an extent) waiting to get ā€œwellā€ so you can live again, even enjoy life. I know I did this myself at one point in time. And why I say this, itā€™s possible that thereā€™s an almost toxic attachment to this hope of wellness, and the reason you get out of bed in the morning is to fulfil this mission of healing. And itā€™s this attachment to hope (of a better day), this is Iā€™m guessing why youā€™re struggling.
But look, maybe you will get better maybe you wonā€™t (which I totally pray that you do), only is it worth crippling your life even more waiting for an outcome? Or, sorta what Iā€™m trying to say, can you put this ā€œholding on to hopeā€ thing on the back-burner a little and enjoy what you have? The little things. Like I have no doubt that youā€™re awesome in so many ways which are possibly being suppressed because of your current mindset. And sure continue on with your treatments, yet Iā€™d say having compassion toward yourself may be as equally as important.
So, how do you hold on to hope? Iā€™d say the best way is to continue on with your life as best you can. Donā€™t waste another day. I mean, hope is good, sure, but living is way better.
Get passionate about something bigger than yourself (and your health issues).
Hope this helps.

HalfwayDecent replied 717 days ago

Mark Miljons-Rostoks
