Sup haters ??
Replies (363)
Bru wtp aids are these questions kinda amonjus ngl (if you're reading this your mom's the gays)
Bru some people got some mad brain damage tho. And so is yours but her springrolls winning
Ibrahim_ replied
948 days ago
U a fcking idiot tbh
U don't show her love or anything and u so lucky yet u don't realize it
U such a idiot tbh u broke her heart and fck u man Thanks man. Appreciate the waste of my time coz idgaf really. Ibrahim_ replied 1281 days ago
U don't show her love or anything and u so lucky yet u don't realize it
U such a idiot tbh u broke her heart and fck u man Thanks man. Appreciate the waste of my time coz idgaf really. Ibrahim_ replied 1281 days ago
Hi , I know you from school and tuition but you probably donโt even know I exist lol
Haha well itโs a pleasure to meet u then.
Ibrahim_ replied
1476 days ago