ask anything i dont care what

Replies (233)

What time do you sleep? 10:00pm School nights and whenever i want on weekends/School holidays Mickl3Pickle replied 3683 days ago
What is the saddest thing in life? When your family or gf/wife is dead or seriously injured Mickl3Pickle replied 3695 days ago
Which friend would you take a bullet for? D block boys and some other people they would know who they are Mickl3Pickle replied 3699 days ago
Can money buy love? money can buy love but not true love Mickl3Pickle replied 3702 days ago
2 things you dislike about yourself? i'd need more than 2 things Mickl3Pickle replied 3705 days ago
What did you last dream about? When i have a dream i always seem to forget it haha Mickl3Pickle replied 3707 days ago
What annoyed you today? The fact of waking up -.- Mickl3Pickle replied 3711 days ago
Tbh?;) Tbh- Your really nice, Mint personality, goes for Chelsea which automatically makes you awesome. Have pretty mad convos and definitely should talk more and get to know each other more :) Mickl3Pickle replied to Leylarox 3713 days ago
How many kids do you want to have? 3 Mickl3Pickle replied 3714 days ago
Name a person you lied to today no one Mickl3Pickle replied 3718 days ago
What wouldn't you do for a million dollars? Dunno theirs heaps of situations Mickl3Pickle replied 3720 days ago
What do you suck at? I s*ck at playing a musical instrument Mickl3Pickle replied 3723 days ago
Friend you cannot live without? Hmmmm I have no idea :/ Mickl3Pickle replied 3728 days ago
Have you ever farted in public? Is this a reasonable question -.- Mickl3Pickle replied 3731 days ago
Dumbest thing you've ever heard? you Mickl3Pickle replied 3735 days ago

