Ask me anything you like anonymously
Replies (27)
y u such a 2 faced btch? ?
Why don’t you dm and see how I can really be ?
bianca_21 replied
2320 days ago
Heyyyyy❤️??? you're cuuuuute. I'm 23, and I have a Gf, but I'd risk it all for you. #zeroshame ❤️❤️?
No thanks hey ?
bianca_21 replied
2320 days ago
What is the worst decision you ever made?
Forgetting to take your jacket cause you think it's going to be a warm day but it's freezing
bianca_21 replied
2641 days ago
WhAt is Riverdale ?
Riverdale is this amazing series and if you want to know more you can google it
bianca_21 replied
2694 days ago