
Replies (613)

so i can get in your pants? obvs Obvs not Brooke.shanno1 replied 3233 days ago
5 hottest guys yr 10 mt erin HAHAHAHA they are all ugly Brooke.shanno1 replied 3233 days ago
What does it take to get in your pants Why lol Brooke.shanno1 replied 3237 days ago
What cheers you up ? Music Brooke.shanno1 replied 3252 days ago
My toes itchy Cool Brooke.shanno1 replied 3252 days ago
Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ? Hot Brooke.shanno1 replied 3255 days ago
:) :) Brooke.shanno1 replied 3261 days ago
Why should people love you ? Because I'm an 11/10 Brooke.shanno1 replied 3273 days ago
What's missing in your life ? $$$ Brooke.shanno1 replied 3280 days ago
Is your year going great ? No Brooke.shanno1 replied 3281 days ago
Rate yourself out of 10 11 Brooke.shanno1 replied 3288 days ago
Right in the A$$?? yum Brooke.shanno1 replied 3297 days ago
Send me a dck pic :) yeah when I get home Brooke.shanno1 replied 3297 days ago
thanks Brooke.shanno1 replied 3297 days ago
Thb jade She's the bomb and she's shorter then me so I like her :)))) Brooke.shanno1 replied 3297 days ago


(Brooke.shanno1) victoria