Ask me anything you like anonymously

Replies (779)

Would you s*ck my dck If ur not ugly justin.bheart replied 3254 days ago
Do you wear lingerie Lol obviously justin.bheart replied 3254 days ago
What do you hate about yourself ? Like everything justin.bheart replied 3373 days ago
*looks at your face*
Haha right back at ya ❤️ justin.bheart replied 3422 days ago
You rock clothes better than me Haha squats justin.bheart replied 3463 days ago
R u growing your hair out? Duh justin.bheart replied 3463 days ago
A body part you think you could do without ? My thing :$$ justin.bheart replied 3479 days ago
What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ? BE FRICKEN HAPPY AS **** THAT I DIDNT HAVE TO PAY 20 GRAND TO DO THAT justin.bheart replied 3482 days ago
What's your favourite word or phrase ? Literally justin.bheart replied 3484 days ago
Biggest insecurity ? Mostly my huge nose but lately, how masculine my jaw has been getting :(( and the fact that I have no boo*s -_- justin.bheart replied 3490 days ago
What do you think is the most useless class in high school? All of em justin.bheart replied 3490 days ago
What has wasted your time the most this year ? Hahahaha justin.bheart replied 3521 days ago
You make me question my *exuality .. Yea that happens a lot justin.bheart replied 3523 days ago
Do you mas******* ? Totally justin.bheart replied 3523 days ago
Do you ever shove things in you as*? Obviously justin.bheart replied 3523 days ago

Justin Burghardt
