Ask away!!!

Replies (416)

Me babe xx Wow okay so where do I begin? Liza my darling, I've only really known you for 6 months and they have all been amazing. I love every minute I spend with you (even if I am spending all my money) and every second I spend on the phone or FaceTime to you!! your the ultimate wingman, best friend and wife. I love you endlessly xxx maddipiazza00 replied to Elizamoore34 3059 days ago
Who is your favorite person and why? My one and only Liza! ? maddipiazza00 replied 3089 days ago
Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now? Because I'm getting interagated by them maddipiazza00 replied 3113 days ago
What was your first kiss like? I'd have to say it was pretty good :) maddipiazza00 replied 3117 days ago
How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"? My ex isn't 'crazy' he's just a **** sometimes. maddipiazza00 replied 3185 days ago
What do you want to hate, but can't? Him.. maddipiazza00 replied 3201 days ago
If you were suddenly elected president, what would be your first thing you do? Legalise same $ex marriage maddipiazza00 replied 3221 days ago
What is something that people might not like about you? My btchy-ness maddipiazza00 replied 3245 days ago
me xx Omg hahah your so much fun. I had a great time with you yesterday, you're so funny and nice, we have some great chats!! P.S we have some $exy snapchat convosations!! maddipiazza00 replied to Elizamoore34 3247 days ago
If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be? My hooded Poncho Towel!! maddipiazza00 replied 3276 days ago
What's the worst decision you've ever made? Too many to count maddipiazza00 replied 3292 days ago
Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich? A VF Holdern Commodore ute. Matt Black preferably ?? maddipiazza00 replied 3305 days ago
What is the most money you've ever spent at once and on what ? Probs my phone maddipiazza00 replied 3308 days ago
What's something everyone likes but you hate with a passion? The Kardashians maddipiazza00 replied 3317 days ago
What was the best thing that happened to you today? I took a nap maddipiazza00 replied 3328 days ago

Maddiii Piazzaaa

(maddipiazza00) Myrtleford-Victoria