Ask away xx

Replies (55)

What are you obsessed with? Pretty Little Liars ? makeelie.dowton replied 3095 days ago
How many doors do you have at your house? 12 makeelie.dowton replied 3162 days ago
thoughts? xx Really nice and pretty, used to talk but don't really anymore, your a lovely girl xx makeelie.dowton replied to jaymeedoolan 3166 days ago
How do you think you are most likely to die? Knowing me ill probably get hit by lightning or a tree, the unluckiest thing will probably happen to me :') makeelie.dowton replied 3179 days ago
Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex? eyes, abs. makeelie.dowton replied 3237 days ago
What's under your bed? nothing, just cleaned it. feeling pre special makeelie.dowton replied 3241 days ago
Describe your life in 3 words Art, Basketball, Netball. makeelie.dowton replied 3263 days ago
thoughts? xxx Really nice, and really pretty, we talk sometimes but not much. Should talk more xx makeelie.dowton replied to jaymeedoolan 3267 days ago
What is the greatest thing about being single ? No one to disappoint and no expectations :') makeelie.dowton replied 3267 days ago
What's missing in your life ? A lot and nothing. makeelie.dowton replied 3272 days ago
What do you hate about yourself ? Alot makeelie.dowton replied 3292 days ago
What do you want right now ? Already be in China! Only 2 months now #notevencounting makeelie.dowton replied 3295 days ago
Thoughts? xo Really nice and pretty girl :)) also you and Sam are cute ;)) but yeah, we should talk more :) makeelie.dowton replied to jaymeedoolan 3302 days ago
thoughts? :) Your such an awesome guy, also the most genuine guy I've met :)) We should definitely talk more, I hope I'll forever stay your #number1enemy ;) makeelie.dowton replied to Maxxadi 3303 days ago
How do you deal with someone with bad breath? Buy them mints, or a fan.... makeelie.dowton replied 3304 days ago

Makeelie Dowton
