ask away lad
Replies (298)
Blame your dad but you should blame your mother
She wouldn't let you hear this song
I don't need to read your mind now true mindless_mulber replied 584 days ago
She wouldn't let you hear this song
I don't need to read your mind now true mindless_mulber replied 584 days ago
What's something that you can't forgive someone for (excluding the kid who broke your lego)
the past for what they did
mindless_mulber replied
692 days ago
considering the presents that you have received which one's your fave
a quill
mindless_mulber replied
692 days ago
What do you do when you trynna chase something and start losing other things
stop everything
take the backlash
not a good way but in the end nothing is lost mindless_mulber replied 692 days ago
take the backlash
not a good way but in the end nothing is lost mindless_mulber replied 692 days ago
i wish this was fr anonymous (laughing skull emoji)
to others you are
mindless_mulber replied
692 days ago